Topband: A new 160m-only Most Wanted Survey

Garry Shapiro garry at
Thu Apr 21 18:49:37 PDT 2011

Fellow Topband DXers,

A few years ago at Dayton, Eric K3NA and I discussed doing relatively 
small-scale lowband trips to counters that perhaps had been well-covered 
by expeditions on the higher bands, but not on the lowest bands.

We would need good data for this, but IMO there were no good 
topband-only Most-Wanted surveys available, so I decided to create one. 
Not being even a capable amateur programmer, I turned to my friends. 
KK6EK said he would do it, but Bob then fell in love, got married, and 
went off into other things. My second partner was willing, but 
over-committed and dealing with chronic health problems, so that went 
nowhere, as well. Meanwhile, Eric went off and did Ducie and now plans 
Jarvis and South Georgia.

Recently, I encountered a RTTY Most-Wanted survey written by Larry 
Gauthier, K8UT that included everything I wanted, so I asked Larry if he 
could port it to 160m. He agreed and now, after sufficient testing, it 
is ready to go. It includes all current DXCC counters, and hopefully 
will encourage some little pistol operations to reasonably reachable 
counters as well as provide more data for larger, more ambitious 

The survey is up at and I encourage you to 
take a look---and to submit your needs. Because there are 340 counters, 
it will take a little while to complete, but the results should justify 
the effort.

I plan to leave the survey up for most of the summer, and to publish the 
results before the next lowband season--both online and in the amateur 

The more data received, the more accurate the survey will be. Please 
feel free to suggest additional ways to put this survey before the 
world's topband DXers. Unfortunately, I have already found that many DX 
club websites are in a state of neglect, 404-not found, or have no 
obvious email contact path to the club leadership.


Garry, NI6T

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