Topband: soldering radials

Jon Zaimes AA1K jz73 at
Wed Aug 17 01:42:01 PDT 2011


Perhaps your friend's concern was that the solder joints would corrode 
with time and galvanic action. Some have suggested using silver solder 
to avoid this problem.

I used just regular solder when doing radials on my 160-meter parasitic 
array a dozen years ago and haven't observed any problem with corrosion. 
But this may vary from climate to climate and with varying soil conditions.

A simple and cheap method I have used for some verticals is to drive a 
short scrap of copper pipe into the ground at the base of the vertical, 
and use an all-stainless hose clamp to clamp the wires to this pipe. No 
solder required.

73/Jon AA1K

On 8/15/2011 8:12 PM, Jorge Diez - CX6VM wrote:
> Hello,
> a friend told me to not solder radials to the vertical ring/plate and
> between them if I am installing an array, like a 4 square. That´s because
> can catch some noise.
> That´s true?
> If yes, how can I solder them? Also if I use a DXE plate to atacch the
> radials, I need to solder the wire to terminals, so what type of solder may
> I use?
> Do you have a type/model (or ebay link) to see what to use?
> Thanks,
> Jorge
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