Topband: ARRL 160 viewed from EU

Dr. Wolf Ostwald df2py at
Sun Dec 4 09:28:40 PST 2011

hi reflectees !
This years ARRL160 did not yield the propagation we had last year. There 
was an unpenetrable curtain from VE2 thru the great plains down to the 
rocky mountain division. At least true from my 50deg north location. No 
w7 or w6 stns heard, no western W0s either. The westernmost stations 
worked, follow a nice curvature beyond which a nice black hole seemed to 
be existing. Minnesota was the northwesternmost DX.
Southern Texan stations were the only ones peeking around the corner of 
auroral activity zones in the south. Anything west or north was 
fabulously shielded.
On the other hand i must say that all the stations i called and worked ( 
only 124 ) had good ears - despite the QRM they surely had. Due to the 
lousy condx, i only put a total of 7 hrs of op-time into the test - more 
op-time would have found me sleeping in front of my radio for sure.
But it sure was fun again, not every year is for breaking records :-)
73 until next years ARRL160    de wolf   df2py

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