Topband: ARRL 160 Conditions, Key Clicks

Preston Smith n6ss at
Sun Dec 4 11:40:49 PST 2011

Concur with Roger, N1RJ. Saturday morning a zero a few hundred miles
away in Colorado started CQing less than 250 Hz above my run QRG.
I use a K3 and this is normally no problem but his sig had severe
clicks. I told him he had bad clicks and asked him to go from full
to semi-breakin. I've found this move to be a 99% cure. He refused.
Shortly I had to give up and find a new run QRG as he was taking out
all but the stronger callers. On the way out I informed he should be
ashamed transmitting such a garbage signal. He replied to the effect
if you don't like it report me. 

Ops with this attitude who don't respect their neighbors nor have any
pride in their signal shall prevail until the sponsors act. Offenders
operate with impunity, maintain a clear run QRG and have higher
scores as a result.

Solution is simple, one yellow carding or delisting to check log and
these guys would have a clean signal in the next contest guaranteed.
But that is up to the sponsors. I'm not holding my breath.

Pres, N6ss

> Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2011 12:36:21 -0500
> From: Roger D Johnson <n1rj at>
> Subject: Re: Topband: ARRL 160 conditions
> To: topband at
> Message-ID: <4EDBAF95.9050507 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Many of the stations had very clicky signals making it almost impossible
> to hear anything between them. As this prevents someone getting close to
> them and not having any reason to generate a clean signal, this problem
> will persist.
> 73, Roger

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