Topband: Zero Beat

VE6WZ_Steve ve6wz at
Sun Dec 4 19:12:38 PST 2011

I think this zero beat issue is being a bit "over-done" in my opinion.....It 
is not a requirement to be zero beat is it?
Reasons for non-zero beat:

1.) some (as others have mentioned) will purposely call off beat to avoid 
the crowd......I do this very often on DX using my XIT, even in a contest I 
will call off frequency if I notice the DX is working slightly off. If you 
have ever worked a pile with everyone zero beat you will know it can be 
almost impossible.

2.) SKIMMERS/Packet (big cause of off-beat)......many callers during a 
contest are using "point and shoot".  Click the spot on the band map and 
call......they are using the packet/skimmer RBN spot QRG and call without 
fine tuning the QRG. I have done this myself and I get the QSO and move on. 
No problem.

3.) maybe some don't know how to zero beat exactly even if they wanted to.

de steve ve6wz. 

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