Topband: ARRL 160M Test Comments

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Thu Dec 8 03:24:18 PST 2011


The only reason DX was added was that when the contest was decided upon 
W0DX (Bob Denniston) AKA VP2VI spent most of his time in BVI and was 
furious that he could not participate.  So it was added, very poorly in 
the rules, as an afterthought to placate the ARRL president.  USVI at 
the closest point is a few miles from BVI but the BVI station at least 
has a chance to get listed in the results.  The U.S. Territories are 
relegated to second class participants.  Last week on the second night I 
called CQ EU only in silent and obvious protest to the whole thing.  I 
sent Jeff K1ZM, in reply to his well written opinion, an e mail and told 
him that he was trying to put lipstick on a pig (contest).

Herb, KV4FZ

On 12/7/2011 8:18 PM, Clive GM3POI wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> 	That's  the problem with the ARRL 160m from a European point of
> view. Jeff you get 5 points for working me , I get two points for working
> you, in the same Contest.  A no brainer, which is why now although I hold
> the EU record I do  not bother with this one any more, with the exception of
> the odd QSO.  I cannot see a good reason for the points differential other
> than bias, and to make it a domestic contest with an added bit of DX.
> 73 Clive GM3POI
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