Topband: Inv-L swr changing when adding radials

Nathan Moreschi n4ydu at
Fri Dec 9 17:35:55 PST 2011


This is a good thing. Your system is becoming more efficient - this is what 
you want. If you desire a better match, you will need to use some sort of 
matching system at the base of the antenna. The SWR will continue to rise as 
you add more radials, however you will reach a point of diminishing returns. 
If you can get to about 16 radials you'll have a decent setup that will 
result in fun on topband. Even eight will work with good results.



-----Original Message----- 
From: Dan Bookwalter
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 6:36 PM
To: topband at
Subject: Topband: Inv-L swr changing when adding radials

I installed an Inv-L for 160 of about 134ft , ~72 feet vertical , when i 
checked the SWR initially it was about 1.2:1 , then when i connected the 
ground rods it rose to 1.5:1 , today I added the first  2 radials and the 
SWR is now 2:1. The antenna is being fed directly , my question is basically 
what is this telling me ?  I assume I need to change the way I am feeding 
the antenna and possibly change its length.

any help appreciated...

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK 

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