Topband: K2AV 160m Folded Counterpoise Antenna - New Details Posted

Guy Olinger K2AV olinger at
Sat Dec 10 15:14:42 PST 2011

The FCP is a single band solution.  You can use an existing antenna,
instead of the "simple solution" tune and prune for resonance, but then you
have to supply your own separate method of getting to resonance, be that
coil or capacitor.  And depending on how far afield you are from the
"simple" solution, you may have to do some impedance step up or step down
with a unun of some sort.

You WILL need to switch out the FCP to the antenna on bands other than 160.
 This has been done successfully.  W0UCE uses the same inverted L with FCP
on 160, as for an 80m end-fed halfwave inverted L.  He switches out the
entire 160 FCP-isolation transformer setup to a link coupled tank circuit
matcher for 80 CW.  Uses a high voltage high current vacuum relay for the

The thing you need to keep the same regardless is the dimensions and
specifics of the FCP and the isolation transformer, when you are using the
antenna on 160.

By the way, cutting back to +/- 16 feet for an 80 meter FCP allows you to
 get rid of using radials on 80m.  But you do have to switch the correct
FCP in/out.  Not the simple solution, but workable, and combos like this
are in use.

73, Guy

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 5:04 AM, James Rodenkirch <rodenkirch_llc at>wrote:

> Wonder if that FCP would be mo betta for my 43' vertical with three 25'
> top hat wires mounted in a NORD sort of configuration, angled down at about
> 45 degrees.
> I have 40 counterpoises-  25 are elevated about 3 feet above ground and 15
> are lying on the ground - and the length varies from 15 to 75 feet (I use
> the antenna for 160 by switching a loading coil; switch it out for the
> other bands).
> Thoughts?  72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV

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