Topband: Nice QRPP QSO

James Rodenkirch rodenkirch_llc at
Sun Dec 11 08:04:37 PST 2011

Too funny:  There's the "plan" as listed by Ken...

Then, you go to the AC6V web site and you find this:

1.810 QRP CW Calling

1828.5 --
DXpeditions CW Operations are frequently here

1.830-1.840 CW,
RTTY and other narrowband modes, intercontinental QSOs only

1.840-1.850 CW, SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes, intercontinental QSOs only

1.825 - SSB QRP Calling Freq

1910 - SSB QRP Calling

Then, you go to the ARRL web site and you find THIS!

1.800 - 2.000
        1.800 - 1.810
            Digital Modes
            CW QRP
            SSB, SSTV and other wideband modes
            SSB QRP
        1.995 - 2.000
        1.999 - 2.000
Now, I don't really care, as long as SSB operators stay away from the lower end of the band 'cuz I'll just find a nice spot at the lower end to call CQ or look for other operators as far up as my loading coil "lets me," so to speak and not worry too much about it.  Just wish more hams got on Top Band - love the excitement of working someone on the east coast, for instance, at 0500 local time (as I did with AA1K a month or so back) with QRP power.  Just to be able to get on Top Band is a big plus for me with my limited space for a low band antenna...!
72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV
QRP ARCI Contest Manager


> From: wa8jxm at
> Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 10:52:05 -0500
> To: deswynar at
> Subject: Re: Topband: Nice QRPP QSO
> On Dec 11, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
> > One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, & limit operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 10-KHz of the band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions there, that part of the band is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ QRP anywhere from about 1812- to 1835-KHz, you could well incur the wrath of the DX crowd hunting their quarry therein...! Be forewarned...
> The Ham world needs to get their act together!     Not complaining about your advice Eddy, but just yesterday I found the IARU recommended 160m bandplan (dated October 2010):
> 1800-1810   digi modes
> 1810-1830   CW
> 1812            QRP
> 1830-1840   DX window
> Isn't it nice that the amateur radio bureaucrats are totally disconnected from reality?
> I try to be cooperative but in truth I can't figure out where in the heck I should operate on 160 with casual CW operation.  I usually hang around 1836-38 for digital (Contestia, Olivia, Thor).  
> 73, Ken WA8JXM
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