Topband: Changes To My Shunt Fed Tower

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Mon Dec 12 08:48:04 PST 2011


I would have to put this antenna on a different tower as I depend on my 
beam to give me toploading for 160...unless, they have away of 
connecting the elements at the center to the boom via small coils or 
chokes.  Without top loading my vertical on 160 becomes about 25% 
shorter and less efficientHerb

On 12/12/2011 12:38 PM, DL2OBO wrote:
> AFAIK all Optibeam elements are always isolated from the boom. So there
> shouldn't be any additional toploading from them (elements), just the
> loading from the boom should be considered
> 73 Tom

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