Topband: QRP Question

Thomas Hoeppe thomas.hoeppe at
Mon Dec 12 09:26:32 PST 2011

Hello Jack!

I think it makes sense to use /QRP! As someone has written here before, 
there are some (good!) operators out here, who always come back to people 
sending /QRP first when they hear this extension. This helps a lot! I made 
some QRP QSOs with ZL on 40m during contest, in EU pile-up...and made it 
through. Why? The stations on the other side got my /QRP and transmitted 
"QRX QRX QRX nw /QRP /QRP kn kn". Making QSOs (specially DX) with QRP is a 
challenge for the QRPers, but the greatest honour is at the station on the 
other side, picking out the QRPer thousands of miles away. And a /QRP is 
defining your output exactly: 5W or less in CW. 4 charcters! This is much 
faster to transport then doing it after the report (my pwr....) But it's an 
old discussion. Some of the latest DX-peditions made QSOs with me using /QRP 
after my call in the confirmation, but had decided not lo log this 
extension. They left it away in their log. The Q's showed up in the "DJ5RE" 
log. I was pretty unhappy at first, but I found my piece concerning that 
problem in knowing what I used during the QSO. But I am happy about every 
QSO that has printed /QRP or /QRPP on it, when I used it. Crossing the 
atlantic with 100mW is still very exciting for me, and having it confirmed 
on a card is a great thing.

My 2 cents...

73s (and often 72s) from Bavaria!

Tom, DJ5RE

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "W0UCE" <w0uce at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2011 5:58 PM
Subject: Topband: QRP Question

> Maybe and experienced QRP OP can answer a question for me and please note
> the question is not intended to anger anyone or start a flame. I would 
> just
> like to learn something - "Why?"
> So here is the question:  Why do some using QRP continually send /QRP 
> after
> a CQ, their call or a contest exchange?  In a contest I don't care if the
> station I work is QRP, LP or QRO - a QSO is a QSO.
> The same when calling CQ or during a rag chewing - Why send /QRP? To me it
> makes no more sense than someone sending /100w, /LP, /1500w or /QRO after
> their call.
> 73,
> Jack
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