Topband: QSL or CFM or R?

N1BUG paul at
Tue Dec 13 08:02:06 PST 2011

My $0.02 worth:

A single R is sufficient if signals are strong and QRM is not a 
major factor. In weak signal conditions RRR is more efficient than 
QSL or CFM. There is a reason a long sequence of RRRRRRRRRR was 
chosen for EME many years ago rather than a long string of QSLQSLQSL 
or CFMCFMCFM. The less complex the message, the greater the chances 
it will be received and understood. If a DX station on topband is 
obviously struggling to copy me and asks if he has my call right I 
will respond with RRRRRR as it has proven to be more effective than 
anything else in conveying that indeed he does have it correct.


On 12/13/2011 10:42 AM, Doug Renwick wrote:
> I prefer QSL or CFM over R or Roger.  In cw if a letter is missed, the
> missing letter can be 'filled in'.  With R, if parts are missed, the missed
> parts cannot be filled in.  The same with SSB, but not to the same extent.
> When I hear QSL or CFM it gives me a much higher level of confidence than R
> or Roger.
> Doug
>> -----Original Message-----
>>   I agree with Roger.  Both "QSL" and "CFM" are inefficient ways for
>> indicating solid copy on CW.  A simple "R" is all that's needed.

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