Topband: QSL or CFM or R?

N1BUG paul at
Tue Dec 13 08:16:56 PST 2011

Fine. But in marginal conditions a single R can easily get lost to a 
static burst or signal flutter/rapid QSB. I still contend that RRR 
is the same length as QSL or CFM and more likely to be understood if 
part of it happens to be missed.


On 12/13/2011 11:13 AM, Doug Renwick wrote:
> Hold on just a minute.  I am talking about a single QSL or single CFM not a
> long string of these.  I don't need a long string of RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRs.
> Besides the string or Rs wastes too much time.  And also I am talking about
> marginal copying conditions.  If the station is 60 over 9, then nothing
> needs to be said to confirm.
> Doug

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