Topband: Noise problem question
w2pm at
Mon Dec 19 11:41:18 PST 2011
I use a MFJ 1025 with excellent results BUT only on single point noise where the sense antenna can be fairly near your main receive antenna. It's not a simple process to get things right and sometimes impossible if the noise is coming from different spots or your have multiple sources of it. Nor example, several gapping insulators along a power like. One can be nuller completely. Not more tho. Broadband noise can be a problem too - depends how broad band it really is. You need to get a signature of the noise to try to chacterize it and of course you should try to identify at least one source ASAP. Start by using VHF am receiver with a small Yagi, them whe I get closer a UHF frequency and Yagi. If its very strong noise it is close by. Could be a neighbors house with a crappy switching supply battery charger. You need more info.
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On Dec 19, 2011, at 14:12, Steven Raas <sjraas at> wrote:
> Altho its not a broad signal .. quite the oppisite, I've recently learned
> of the WSPR crowd is running prop beacons @ 1836.6 Just below where the
> majority of the JT65 Activity is, I have rcvd these signals here @ my
> location, along with the Call & Grid they send the TX pwr in dBm Most are
> in the 40 - 30 dBm power level.
> Do you have or know someone that has one of those MFJ noise cancelation
> boxes that uses a 'sense' antenna and you adjust the phase?
> I live in the depths of a big city.. and noise is status quo here.. I
> havent tried one of these devices yet.. if I find a local ham that has
> one.. ide Like to borrow it and see if it would be a viable addition to my
> operations here.
> Good Luck,
> Steve Raas
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 1:55 PM, Joe Giacobello, K2XX <k2xx at> wrote:
>> Regarding noise on 160M, I have been consistently observing all season
>> long a broad signal, reminiscent of a plasma TV, centered around 1836
>> KHz. Since it seems to be on 24/7 and my closest neighbor is a half
>> mile away, I don't think it's a TV. Has anyone else seen this signal or
>> is it just local to me?
>> 73, Joe
>> K2XX
>> On 12/19/2011 8:24 AM, Mike(W5UC) wrote:
>>> On 12/18/2011 1:36 PM, W5UN wrote:
>>>> I'm looking for input from someone who has experienced a similar
>>>> situation as I describe below.
>>>> About 3 months ago I began experiencing severe noise on top
>>>> band. It's a constant white noise which begins to drop off above
>>>> 2.5 mHz, and is hardly noticeable on 80, and not there at all on 40
>>>> meters and above. Every once and a while the noise will drop off
>>>> completely, only to return a few minutes later. It is there about 98%
>>>> of the time.The severity seems to vary a little, but is typically
>>>> S9+15 db when present, and S3 during the rare times it drops out..
>>>> This noise is coming from the eastern direction, about a mile from
>>>> here. There are power lines.there, and these appear to be the source,
>>>> however there are similar power lines of the same voltage here in
>>>> other directions, including one to the southwest about 800 feet away,
>>>> but that one has no noise. Has anyone experienced such noise as this?
>>>> I need to see if I can track this down and get it fixed. Any help
>>>> will be appreciated.
>>>> Dave, W5UN
>>> Good Morning Dave:
>>> I'm not hearing that here in Lufkin, so it possibly local for you.
>>> 73,
>>> Mike, W5UC
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