Topband: Noise problem question

Sam Morgan k5oai.sam at
Wed Dec 21 14:14:58 PST 2011

I haven't built or used one, yet
but I have often thought it might be a good idea
to put a laser on one, kinda like pointing a weapon with a laser

GB & 73
Sam Morgan

On 12/21/2011 4:04 PM, W2PM wrote:
> I have used one which the ARRL RF lab brought down here to address a very
> serious problem.  We were able to identify the BOLT on the insulators where
> arcing was coming from, photograph it, attach both the audio file and the
> spectral display unique to each offender and the power company still reneged.
> Until FCC saw this and that was the end of the power company resistance.
> Problem fixed.   Those devices are not easy to aim however.  You need a
> steady hand and lots of patience.

> On Dec 21, 2011, at 4:10 PM, "John G3PQA"<g3pqa at>  wrote:
>>>>> On 12/18/2011 2:36 PM, Dave W5UN wrote:
>>>>>> I'm looking for input from someone who has experienced a similar
>>>>>> situation as I describe below.
>>>>>> About 3 months ago I began experiencing severe noise on top band.
>>>>>> It's a  constant white noise which begins to drop off above 2.5
>>>>>> mHz,
>>> On 12/20/2011 2:30 PM, David Raymond wrote:
>>>> Jon. . .great advice, particularly about going to higher frequencies as
>>>> you get closer to the noise source.  We've spent considerable time
>>>> chasing noise at our contest station.  I addition to using RF we also
>>>> use a high range audio device with a highly directional dish antenna
>>>> which listens in the 20 - 40 KHz range.  It is an excellent tool to
>>>> have in the arsenal when you get in close (say, 100 yards or so).  You
>>>> can usually pinpoint the noise right down to the specific insulator,
>>>> lightning arrestor, etc.  In some cases it would be worth borrowing
>>>> one. 73. .. Dave W0FLS
>>> (Jon, AA1K):  tnx info Dave ....where can those be had?
>> For those who wish to build an ultrasonic detector (or in the absence of
>> DX locate bats!) an article was published by ARRL in 2006
>> I
>> have built a couple of this design using the Far Circuits pcb and they work
>> well, needs a small parabolic dish and piezo electric detector at its focal
>> point. Also I should mention that Jerry K4SAV has designed some
>> improvements in sensistivity and mixing if needed.
>> re. Dave's noise problem,  it sounds bad , not the usual switchmode etc.
>> we suffer on 160m.. Any progress Dave?
>> 73 John G3PQA

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