Topband: Fwd: 160M JT65HF

Tree tree at
Fri Dec 30 08:38:03 PST 2011

Let me applaud David for his post.  This in informative - relevant to
160 meters and does not get into the emotional area that I was trying
to "nip in the bud" with my previous post.  It should be noted that
some people took offense at my position and even at least one
unsubscribed from this list because he perceived we were not
interesting in talking about 21st century modes.  I think they
misunderstood my request.

There is a difference between messages like the one below and the ones
I was trying to prevent a flood of.  We are here to exchange technical
information and encourage activity.  We are not here to convert
everyone to our own view on the relative value of different ways of
operating.  While this message isn't for everyone - it falls into the
same category as a message that might be specific to phased beverages
- which is of little interest to someone on a city lot.  Use the
delete key.

Happy New Year to all topband operators.

Tree N6TR

piss: If you have not already - now is a perfect time to send in your
Stew Perry log!!!  thanks.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Michael Gaytko // WD4KPD <wd4kpd at>
Date: Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 8:22 AM
Subject: Topband: 160M JT65HF
To: topband at

almost every night and especially on weekends/holidays, there is alot of
activity on 1838/usb. some qrm from psk/other but they usually are far
enough from the center freq not to be a problem (not always, the jt
program only shows +/-1kc on the waterfall. do wish they would give at
least .500kc guard band)

there is a little activity down around 1810 where the jt65hf got
started, but since ARRL proposes that area for cw, 99% of activity is on
the 1838kc freq.

here in NC with a hytower vert, i have 47 for WAS and EU shows up well
late in eve.  80m is quite similar, but much better to EU in the eve (48
for WAS), and some Grey Line.

come on down and enjoy !


ps....any grey-line dx skeds welcome on 80/160.  really need AK/HI

God's law is set in stone...everything else is negotiable.
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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