Topband: RX antenna switch

Eric Tichansky NO3M no3m at
Fri Dec 30 14:41:33 PST 2011

System similar to what you mentioned regarding the gain 
compensation/distribution, HPF/BPFs, RX overload, PTT, and 
additional signal path sources and output routing (incl. looping 

Has an on-board embedded MPU, but a header can be used w/ 
switches for manual control.

73/HNY - Eric NO3M

> If it were the 'ideal' thing, there'd be a box with a matrix of switches (A x B), gain blocks that could be put in/out of the circuit, BPFs that could be put in and out, 'muting' of any RX output that is connected to a transmitter that is transmitting, RX overload protection, and some general purpose inputs to select the 'configuration'. Probably a PIC to run it, with a nice GUI app to configure it.  
> - Brian N9ADG

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