Topband: using 2 wire beverage transformer for 1 wire beverage

John G3PQA g3pqa at
Sun Feb 6 01:38:21 PST 2011

From: "Zivney, Terry L." <00tlzivney at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 5:05 PM

> Question:  Can I simply attach a 470 ohm resistor between the far end of 
> the single wire
> beverage and the ground rod, and then connect the feed end of the wire to 
> one of
> the two antenna wire binding posts of the KD9SV box (leaving the other one 
> empty)
> and expect reasonable performance?  I want to minimize the effort on this 
> "temporary"
> problem.

I suggest you join both posts together, otherwise the reactance of the T1 
secondary (hi-Z side of reverse direction xfmr) will be in series with the 
beverage if primary disconnected.
Shorting or loading T1 primary (low-z coax side) will also work, enabling 
you to use just one post, but easier just to short the two posts together 
for the single wire.

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