Topband: DX Window No Long Relevant

Rick Stealey rstealey at
Mon Feb 7 03:30:09 PST 2011

John W2GD writes:
> All world class radios have narrow filtering 
 capability, etc. fully capable of handling the worst pileups.

Since John mentioned the W1BB era in the same paragraph, I assumed by 
"world class radios" he simply meant rigs NOT of the W1BB era.  In other 
words, not implying a DX station needs to have a K3, or IC-7800, but rather
something maybe a bit better than an FT100 will do the trick.  We're talking 
160 here, not 40 meters so the DX station doesn't have to contend with
megawatt SW broadcasters.
Rick  K2XT


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