Topband: WEB SDR's

Brendan Minish ei6iz.brendan at
Fri Feb 11 15:48:50 PST 2011

On 11/02/2011 18:43, HA0DU Steve wrote:
>Earlier these SDR's had a built-in delay
> and I think an obligatory (ar at least recommended) 1-minute delay would
> solve the cheating problem but still would leave the door open for any
> other experiments.

A built in delay may work fine for WEB SDR's with fixed coverage of one 
or more amateur bands.
It DOES NOT work at all for SDR's that can be remotley controlled, 
covering the entire LF-HF spectrum, these are SDR's connected to the 
internet, once you introduce attentional latency then tuning becomes 
nearly impossible

Anyway, why 'neuter' a service that is enjoyed by many simply because a 
very few abuse the system, is it not better to catch out the few that 
are doing this and disqualify them ?

Over a period of several months I have only seen one clear instance 
where someone used my SDR to 'cheat' with working his pileup as somewhat 
sought after DXCC entity.
I have not witnessed users utilising it in contests

Most of the users here seem to either be interested in BCDXing or 
utility dxing and the receiver gets a few hours a day, every day, of use 
and is popular with others because I have fairly decent receive antennas 
and a nice low local noise floor.

I will ask the Author of the software If he might consider implementing 
additional logging to keep a history of the receive frequencies utilised 
by users. Better evidence gathering to allow Contest organisers, Awards 
committees etc to take appropriate action is the way forward

Brendan EI6IZ

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