Topband: Chat Room Confirmation

Guy Olinger K2AV olinger at
Thu Feb 17 09:05:13 PST 2011

I draw the line at claiming a contact when either did not actually get it
over the air.

I draw the line at using non-over-the-air to "fix" a log, whether contest or
DXCC credit.

It is clear that there is still magic in talking to VP8ORK running 100 watts
on 160 meters. I looked at their on-line log was to see if I had to try
again (*I* thought I had confirmation.  Did *he* think so?)  Waiting for a
QSL to NOT show up means missing the DXpedition altogether if you blew it.
 Working him twice "just to be sure" takes the opportunity away from someone

The internet is here to stay.  There is just about no place on earth the
internet cannot follow.  The time of the radio being the only way to get
there is largely over.

73, Guy

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 7:38 AM, Diane and Edward Swynar <
deswynar at> wrote:

> On 15th February, Dave wrote:
> "...I'm not advocating chat room confirmation, but I'm not sure what, if
> any, harm is caused by this practice..."
> ******************************************
> I was always lukewarm, at BEST, when it came to such things as "The ON4KST
> Low-Band Chat Room" (or, "How do you hear me now...?!")...but the more I
> thought about it, the more I came to realize that I was just as an
> enthusiastic supporter of a similar such approach to "group DX'ing" back in
> 1981...
> My friend VE3IHK (who lived several blocks away) and I used to chase DX on
> 40-meters in the wee hours after coming home from working the night shift:
> he used 2-element parastic delta loop array, & I used a 2-element phased
> delta loop array. We ran similar power levels, and it was most interesting
> to "compare notes on the fly" as we scanned the band---but the technology
> we
> employed 30 years ago was far and awy different from the on-line world-wide
> web of to-day!
> I had a massive rack-mounted G.E. "Prog Line" rock-bound to a simplex
> frequency on 2-meters that I shared with 'IHK. Our "party line" was
> established by way of my wearing one of those then-popular small ear-bud
> 'phones, inside my regular headphones!
> It was crude, but effective---and the only difference between then & now is
> the level of technology used to achieve the same end, and the size of the
> audience & number of participants who can now answer the eternal question
> of, "How do you hear me now...?!"    :>)
> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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