Topband: Chat Room Confirmation

David Raymond daraymond at
Sat Feb 19 11:33:11 PST 2011

>I would think reviewing recorded audio to be OK. I think that would be
> making use of a valid new technology, akin to the use of a new preamp or
> better antenna. IMHO, a valid contact is completed when the required
> info has been exchanged both directions *on the air*. If you had the
> right info in a recording, then you did receive it over the air so I
> personally don't consider that "cheating". . . . .

Joel's (W5ZN) initial post has stirred some thoughtful discussion on this 
topic.  While my opinion may differ somewhat from Joel's, I certainly 
respect his opinion and thoughts. . .he's a first class ham, an excellent 
operator, and has made significant contributions to the amateur world.

We now have many new things and technologies which could be used to cheat 
the system, remote SDR's certainly being one of the biggest offenders. 
Ultimately, we have to rely upon people's good moral character and sense of 
"right and wrong."  I'm probably the eternal optimist, but I still believe 
most people fall into this category.  Unfortunately, there will always be 
people trying to beat the system whether it's using remote SDRs, running 15 
kw, remote operating position in a different continent, etc.  Ultimately, we 
end up discovering who they are which brings their standings and 
accomplishments into serious question.

While many different types of conversations take place in Lowband Chat, I 
find most people there to be honorable, sincere, and serious about their 
achievements on Topband.  Many have extensive systems which have required 
huge physical efforts and many times significant monetary investments, not 
to mention huge investments in time.  These folks are way beyond the 
shack-on-belt (SOB. . hi hi) types so often associated these days with 
amateur radio.  I'm very happy and honored to be a very small part of this 
group and hope that we can continue to have the opportunity to share 
information, disappointments, and triumphs with each other in Lowband Chat, 
the To[band Reflector, and other similar forums.

In the meantime, my thanks to Joel and others for the thought provoking 
comments.  I'd also like to recognize and thank Tree, N6TR, for his efforts 
to continue and moderate this reflector which has been a godsend for many of 
us.  My best to all.

73. . Dave, W0FLS 

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