Topband: Beverage question final

lissa at lissa at
Sun Jul 31 09:33:33 PDT 2011

Hello and thanks for all the replies on the list and directly.

I realize now that I had not understood the way that bidirectional
Beverages work when they use only one coax. Perhaps there are others
who have made or are making the same mistake so I will explain where I
went wrong.

I thought that in order to change direction some sort of switching was
used but the only switching is switching the coax from one conductor
on the ladder line to the other. The "magic" is done at the far end of
the antenna in the termination transformer/box. In fact the signals
from both directions are both available all the time and so the way to
give multiple receivers in the shack access to freely choose which
direction to listen to is simply to run coax from each of the
directions back into the shack. Luckily thin coax is very cheap!! Then
there are various ways to feed the signals to 2 or more stations.

This clearly shows what happens when you buy commercial products
without doing your homework first!!

Sorry. But thanks a lot for your help everybody.

73 de Andrew OZ5E

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