Topband: Preferred Choke Baluns

Milt -- N5IA n5ia at
Tue Mar 8 17:55:27 PST 2011


Thanks for your response to my post.  I accept your reasons for what you do 
and have recommended.

However, for all my applications, I stand by my statement.  For me, many, 
many, many installations as I described have worked, and continue to WORK, 
LIKE A CHAMP.  I have done loss measurements and also checked for the 
possible problem you propose.  In all cases, nary a problem.  YMMV.

73 de Milt, N5IA

-----Original Message----- 
From: Jim Brown
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 12:49 PM
To: Milt -- N5IA ; 'TopBand'
Subject: Re: Topband: Preferred Choke Baluns

On 3/6/2011 9:32 PM, Milt -- N5IA wrote:
> And I make all of my choke baluns for 160 Meter energy from 30 turns, 6" 
> in
> diameter, of whatever cable it is.  This is coaxial leads as well as rotor
> cables, etc.  Works like a champ.

I suggest that you MEASURE the effect before you say that it "works like
a champ."  There are HUGE differences between what you suggest as
opposed to multiple turns of the coax around five #31 cores.  Your choke
is inductive, so it can resonate with a feedline that is capacitive by
virtue of its length. The ferrite choke is resistive, has a MUCH greater
choking impedance, and cannot resonate with the  feedline.

73, Jim Brown K9YC

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