Topband: Results of the QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party are posted

James Rodenkirch rodenkirch_llc at
Mon Nov 7 05:12:16 PST 2011

Go to and look in the center of the page - you should see a "Fall QSO Party results" posting with a ""click here" at the bottom of that post - you'll find all of the participants listed - those highlighted in yellow were category leaders and, along with the team and multi-op category leaders receive the new, redone and soon to be highly coveted certificate.

Attendance was down from what I understand were the average numbers for the Fall contest - 86 versus 108 - and not sure why....competition from the New York and Illinois QSO Parties??? The Spring QSO Party averages 88 so we'll see if that number holds up.

Don't forget the two events coming up in December:

 - the Top Band Sprint from 0000Z to 0600Z on 2 December 2011.  Note:  this is the evening of 1 December 2011 in North America - which is a nice "tune up" event 
   for the ARRL 160 contest that follows right after that!

 - the Holiday Spirits Home Brew Sprint on 18 December from 2000Z to 2359Z.

You can find the details of both at the QRP ARCI web site.  The site master has added the listings for all of the 2012 events (click on the QRP ARCI Contests button on the left hand side of the page) and we'll be populating the rules and info for each by the end of this month.

Please read the rules write ups over - one noticeable change has been the requirement for additional information on your summary sheets.  The rules for all contest now show this for the summary submittable:

	Logs in plain text format along with a summary stating -

	          Your Call Sign

	          Entry Category

	          total # of QSOs  with members

	          total # of QSOs with 
	non-members on different continent

	          total # of QSOs with non-members 
	same continent

	          total # of SPCs worked

	          Actual Power

	Description, along with score calculation

The majority of entrants for the Fall QSO party sent in what their logging program(s) outputted for a summary log and, trust me, little of the required information was provided ---- with 80 plus logs, that was/is a lot of data and logs to rummage through. Your assistance in taking the 10 to 15 minutes needed to scrounge up that information is appreciated, SINCERELY, trust me!

Lookin' forward to hearing and working you the bands and in the upcoming contests - 72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV QRP ARCI Contest Manager


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