Topband: Beverage transformer enclosures

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Fri Nov 11 10:29:29 PST 2011

>> Here on Guam, we get more than 90 inches of rain annually.  I have
> found
>> that it is impossible to keep water out of enclosures, and if drain
>> holes are drilled into the bottom, ants and other jungle critters will
>> move in with dirt, ETC, that cause the same problems as a flooded box.
> _______________________________________________

Another option in the extreme case is to build the transformer, solder 
on an F-connector,  add to leads of flexible wire on the Beverage side, 
then after testing take a glob of Butyl which is common sealant in 
Cable, Cell, and wireless installs and make a ball around the device. 
Doesn't need  go in a box as long as the tension on the connections are 
mitigate somehow.  Let the air take care of the moisture on the outside 
as it will.  It ain't pretty but it works just as well at a $20 box.

Herb, KV4FZ

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