Topband: (no subject)
James Rodenkirch
rodenkirch_llc at
Sun Nov 13 09:37:45 PST 2011
Just want to remind y'all that the QRP ARCI Organization's Top Band Sprint is scheduled from 0000Z to 0600Z on 2 December 2011. Note: start time is in the evening of 1 December 2011 in North America.
Modes of operation are CW and SSB and you can submit a log as CW, SSB or Mixed mode. You work stations once per mode and the exchange is:
Members send: RS(T), SPC (State, Province or Country), ARCI member number
Non-Members send: RS(T), SPC (State, Province or Country), Power Out
Check out all of the rules at (look for the QRP ARCI Contests button on the left hand side of the page)
For those operators who are Top Band aficionados, albeit NOT the type to operate QRP often, your participation in this event, for those of us QRPer types that will be, for any portion of the six hour period IS appreciated. Us QRPer types who are "found" during this event will "return the favor," as much as possible, by operating during the Stew Perry contest next month, offering up a 4 point QSO to y'all vice 2!
Thank you all, in advance, for turning your rigs on the evening of 1 December, here in North and South America, and listening for our peanut whistle signals.
72, Jim Rodenkirch, K9JWV
QRP ARCI Contest Manager
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