Topband: 1/2 wave spacing

Dr. Wolf Ostwald df2py at
Tue Nov 22 21:36:39 PST 2011

Hi reflectees !
I  currently have  the setup to try 3el in line against 2 el halfwave 
spaced broadside. I run this comparingly for about two years now and my 
findings are : the broadside radiation from 2el /halfwave is lower than 
the endfire radiation from 3 el 1/4 spaced.  E.g. westcoast USA is 
easier to work with my 2el broadside than with 3 el endfire, not by 
much, but some 2 dbs on the long hauls is frquently encountered, which 
is a lot on 160. This is also commonly described in antenna design books.
Just a short message from the "been there, done that" department :-)
73 de wolf   df2py

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