Topband: 1/2 wave spacing vs. 1/4 wave

Dr. Wolf Ostwald df2py at
Wed Nov 23 10:21:48 PST 2011

hi reflectees !
I guess i was not specific enough. I was stating that my 2 el broadside 
array`s signal with 1/2 spacing must have lower angle of radiation than 
my 3 el  1/4 wave spacing in line array. The farther the shot, the more 
signal i get and produce with the 2el versus the 3 el in-line array. 
East coast is neck to neck, westcoast up to 3 db in favour of the 2 el 
half-wave spaced array in broadside config.
Again. i am not talking forward gain at any angle of radiation, i am 
talking gain at a specific angle.
73 de wolf  df2py

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