Topband: The 16th Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge
Lew Sayre
w7ew at
Sun Nov 27 19:37:20 PST 2011
Greetings to 160M Enthusiasts Around the World,
The CQWW-CW is now in the books for this year. That contest along
with a mighty fine 160M contest sponsored by
the ARRL coming up this weekend will give you the chance to ensure that
your 160M station is at peak condition for
playing in the 16th Running of The Stew Perry TopBand Challenge sponsored
by The Boring Amateur Radio Club. All the
information you need to indulge in and enjoy The Stew lives at this website:
Go there and marvel at the simple but effective rules The Boring
Amateur Radio Club have put in place in order to make
the most fair contest in our solar system.
Anyone with $55 without crass motives may sponsor a plaque for this
Great Contest for whatever category they feel is
important to have out there. The plaques for last year's Stew Perry have
all been sent out to the 4 corners of the earth early
last week so should be arriving at the victors' abodes very soon. The
Giants of Radio who think up these categories and then
spend the paltry $55 are listed below. Be sure to congratulate them for
their sharp minds and offer to buy them lunch or a drink
or a new car to show them your appreciation.
Call Category
KL7RA "Top Number of QSOs"
North Pole Contest Club "Being Cogitated"
TF4M "Longest DX" (2 stations, each get
1 plaque)
W0UCE " Top Score USA/S-O/LP/single wire
for Tx & Rx"
KR2Q "Golden Log" (Top # of QSOs w/o
a bust)
K7FL "Top Score 100% Search & Pounce"
N7UA "Top Score High Power"
N2KW "Highest rate X 1 hour w/o bust"
K6ND "K6SE Memorial-Top Score World"
NA0Y "Top Score USA"
VK6VZ "Top Score N. Hemisphere
station working S. Hemisphere stations"
(Winner gets official Flying Doctors of VK Baseball hat rather than
If you would like to join this august group of Stalwart Sponsors just
send me your idea and we'll talk.
Do not fear if you think your Morse Code abilities resemble the motions
of s spastic squirrel. Do S & P
and decode the loud stations to learn the report that they are soon going
to give to you. Take a deep
breath and then send your call at a comfortable speed for you. If you don't
loose consciousness you'll hear
your call coming back with the report that just might be louder than the
blood pounding in your ears.
If it is all good then do it again until the dizziness abates. The physical
side effects of the anxieties associated
with new CW contesting will rapidly go away. However the fun and simple joy
will last until your key goes silent.
December is just about upon us. Continue to do the good deeds and
honorable things as you have been so
that you can sit down and play in The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge this
December 17/18.
73 and I remain,
Lew W7EW
Boring Amateur Radio Club Touter
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