Topband: Capacitor for Inverted L

Gary Smith Gary at
Thu Oct 13 06:05:50 PDT 2011

I used to use an ugly, beat up 500pf vac variable at the base of my 
160M inv-L & used the MFJ SWR Analyzer to adjust it. The CAT-5 cable 
I used for wire was brought up over a tall tree and chafing from the 
wind blown branches wore through it 1/2 times a year. After the 
antenna came down the last time I used a more rugged wire and cut it 
135' long and have it connected to a radial plate which serves as a 
common tie-in for my separate 160, 80, 40, 30 meter vertical wires 
but also my butternut HF9V which I use for 20 & up.

The 160M ant will not cover the whole band but as I rarely go above 
1.9 Mhz, it's perfect and needs no base loaded cap.



Gary, KA1J

> I plan on adding an Inverted L soon, and have seen a few websites that
> recommend about 1000pF at the base to tune it.  What voltage cap should I be
> looking for if I am going to run about 600W?
> -- 
> *Clint Talmadge - W5CPT - *
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