Topband: high take-off angle

Cqtestk4xs at Cqtestk4xs at
Mon Oct 17 04:10:47 PDT 2011

I agree with N2NL's post.  As he is, I was located in the  Pacific and 
everything was pretty much long haul, with the US being closest at  2500 miles.  
I went with a Tee-top suspended on a caternary from the top of  the 150 ft 
tower to my house which was 90 feet higher in elevation than he base  of the 
tower. The height of the antenna was around 95 feet.
I gave quite a few first zone 31 to EU and was told the signal was  pretty 
much equal with a station over on Molokai who was using an old broadcast  
station tower with 120 radials.  Was it my location or the antenna, I'll  
never know.  
Plans for my new station call for the same thing over here except  it will 
have an elevated radial system at a height of around 80 feet.  From  what 
I've read it should scream.  Why no traditional ground mount vertical  with 
radials.  The new QTH is a hayfield and when the hay rakes scoop up  the hay 
they sometimes dig into the soft sandy ground a little.  This might  create a 
real mess unless I bury the radials pretty deep, around six inches so  so.

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