Topband: 160m antenna test

Sam Morgan k5oai.sam at
Fri Oct 21 12:03:20 PDT 2011

For those wishing to give their RX antennas a real world test....

I will be operating QRP in the Pre Stew Perry this weekend,
from DM91, central West Texas, San Angelo to be specific.

Now for the added treat, my 5w qrp signal, will be transmitted from
a 7' tall Hi-Q 6/160 antenna, mounted @ 20' with 16 radials, ea 13' long.

At the claimed 6% efficiency, that means my ERP should be about 300mw.

Operating times will be from SS -1hr  to  SR +2-3 hrs
or about 2300 UTC Sat - 1600 UTC Sun

a couple of hrs sleep may be optional
depends if the contacts go dead after 3-4am local CDT   8-9 UTC

Good luck, hope to be in your logs by contests end on Sunday

how active the results of this Pre Stew Perry are, will help decide
if I will operate QRP 5w x %6=300mw or 100w x 6%=6w in the Stew Perry

it's great to give out the QRP/s times 4 contact points,
but if the number of QSO's is so low, as to be boring...
(pun intended, hi hi)

I may have to opt for running as a big gun QRO 100w x 6%=6w tx signal
in the November Stew Perry and only be worth 2 contact points.

your log entry will help decide, TIA

GB & 73
Sam Morgan

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