Topband: RX 4 SQ Phasing

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at
Sun Aug 12 22:27:09 PDT 2012

On 8/11/2012 5:00 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:
> I'm not sure I'd go too far with the FCC map.  At my QTH, which is shown
> as average, actual ground/earth varies within a hundred feet from deep

Yes, but I have also measured the current drop off with distance
on my beverages and it agrees with the high conductivity assumption.
Any wire beyond 400 feet on a beverage is ineffective here; I
installed a relay at 400 feet and listened as more wire was
switched in.  I have room for much longer Beverages. This clearly 
indicates too much conductivity for optimum beverage operation.
Yet they still do interesting things on 160 and BCB.

The ground here is all clay, no rock, with cemented hard pan a few
feet down.  The clay goes down about 40 feet, as determined
by well drilling.

Rick N6RK

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