Topband: Image on 160M

Roger D Johnson n1rj at
Tue Aug 14 14:48:29 PDT 2012

I sometimes see spurious signals at the 5kHz points when using my K7JTR 8 circle
array. I tracked them down to powerful short wave station booming in when 
is good. I think this is the curse of most broadband antenna sytems.

73, Roger

On 8/13/2012 10:36 AM, Wayne Willenberg wrote:
> Hello,
> As I am slowing working my way into 160M, I have been listening to my
> new reversible 480ft Beverage antenna.
> I live in a rural area.  However, there is one small town about 5 miles
> from me.  The only really strong BC station near me is a 500W (day time)
> (not 5,000W) station at 1.490MHz. It is about 7 miles away.  As I tuned
> through the 160M band I found an image of that station at 1.915MHz.  With
> the Beverage, in the *NE position* the image reads -117dBm and if I switch
> to AM mode, I can understand the broadcast. I don't see any other signals
> on the 160M band.
> Is it normal to find images like this?
> B/T/W, when I switch to the *SW position* (the direction of the transmitter
> and the small town), the signal power rises to -110dBm, but the noise floor
> also goes up.  Is it reasonable to assume the additional noise is probably
> coming from the small town?
> Thanks to everyone who has helped me slowly build a 160M station.
> 73, Wayne KK6BT
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