Topband: DX window

Ian Wade G3NRW g3nrw-radio at
Wed Dec 5 15:01:21 EST 2012

___Original Message_________________________________________
From: Tom W8JI <w8ji at>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012   Time: 12:54:35

>Without working together, we need the Government to make rules and 
>impose penalties.


I'm not sure that Government intervention is a very good idea (it 
certainly wouldn't be in this country!), but you hit the nail fair and 
square on the head when you talk about penalties.

The contest rule makers should get real tough about stations who 
persistently work in the "wrong" part of the bands during contests. In 
CW contests we've all heard CW signals stomping all over the phone end 
of the band. In phone contests we've all heard phone stations all over 
the bottom part of the band. In RTTY contests ... well, we all know what 
happens there.

"Three verifiable complaints and you're out" should be the rule. With 
SDR receivers available these days, that shouldn't be too difficult to 

Ian, G3NRW






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