Topband: DX window

Mike & Coreen Smith ve9aa at
Thu Dec 6 16:36:23 EST 2012

Why don't folks ever name names? (callsigns)

Are we such a "PC" group of humans worldwide these days that we should not 
risk stepping  on someones' toes dare we insult them or shame them into 
obeying the rules ? (gasp!)

In this last contest Vermont Station W1SJ (is that WB1GQR?) was on 1830.5 or 
1830.75 (somewhere like that) and totally was taking out weak DX for me. 
There were others, but like the previous poster, I didn't keep a list.  I 
just remember SJ as he was LOUD and had a nice call easy to remember and I 
fought with his QRM for hours, seemingly every time I tuned by.

I just don't understand why peer pressure won't work for these people who 
disregard the rules.

Invariably they are the older, experienced ops with big stations (who know 
better), not the casual 160m op who is new to the band that infiltrate the 
window and ruin it to some extent for the rest of us !

Mike VE9AA
P.S.- I did note there was 1 real big station who was NOT (for once!) parked 
in the window for this contest, who sometimes is, so I'll bet peer pressure 
or some outside force worked on this person.
P.S.S.-you'll note I did not bash, call names or anything to W1SJ....just 
named his callsign.  Keep it clean folks !

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