Topband: GAP Vertical Question

Richard (Rick) Karlquist richard at
Sat Dec 15 15:58:51 EST 2012

On 12/15/2012 12:03 PM, Donald Chester wrote:
> From: charlie-cunningham at
>   Could you support a vertical 1/2 wave for 160 with aballoon?
> You could end -feed it at the base through a 1/4 wave of 450 ohm

> But feeding a half wave vertical with the base near the  ground
 > still  results in substantial ground losses without a radial system.

> Don k4kyv

And this statement is based on what?  Publications, measurements,

I have built a number of 1/2 wave verticals without radials and compared 
them to 1/4 wave verticals with radials.  They are
indistinguishable in performance and certainly do not exhibit
substantial ground losses AFAIK.  The PAR electronics 1/2 wave
end fed antenna seems to have a good reputation, unlike some
GAP verticals.

However, I don't recommend feeding it through 1/4 wave of 450
ohm open wire line.  I just use an LC matching network.

Rick N6RK

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