Topband: ARRL LOTW and More

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Tue Dec 18 19:14:48 EST 2012

On 12/18/2012 7:11 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> You have bitched for years that DX
> thought the could not work you - I can find the references in the
> archives going back almost to be beginning of this list) but it
> would mean that you got to count each QSO with the rest of us on
> the mainland as 5 points instead of 2 points.  Now you want to be
> able to work DX but count all your QSOs as five points instead
> of two? 
I may have "bitched" but who wouldn't after being told and scolded by DX 
stations "no DX no DX QRZ W/VE only"  Many I guess were as confused as i 
was in calling them in the first place.  Again I only want this contest 
to show an element of fairness.  I guess if I do as you suggested then 
next time stations will not only miss KP4 which did not show this time 
but also KP2.  So about working ARRL sections and as some insist that it 
is only a 160 meter version of Sweepstakes, then let it be so and like 
in the much highly enshrined SS not permit *any* DX.  Working DX on 160, 
not some archaic sections is what I am interest in.  If participants 
were tuned into working DX you would not find the band covered by 100's 
of incessant CQ machines every few hertz trying to hold on to there spot 
and not working much of anything.  I think next time I will do what I 
wanted to do this time, just work DX and have my phased Beverages on 
Europe and Africa selected.
Some may say this is poor sportsmanship....but I have tried to get 
someone to recognize that changes are important to bring out a better 
contest product.  I understand those in their ivy covered office 
buildings and who call the shots, really don't care to even entertain 
change for the better.

Herb, KV4FZ

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