Carl Clawson carlclawson at
Sat Feb 25 18:29:43 PST 2012

Heard you CQing 5 x 5 here in Oregon last night, Herb. I didn't have time to
get into the test this weekend so I was just having a quick listen to see
what was up. Can't fathom why you didn't get any answers.
73, Carl WS7L

> -----Original Message-----
> Gentlemen,  I have been calling CQ tonight for two hours and never 
> received a single reply.    This is with a 1/4 wave vertical, 
> and Alpha 
> 87A and 12 Beverages in every directions.  Some nights on 160  the 
> propagation is just not there.  As Kenny Rodgers used to sing...."you 
> gotta know when to hold and when to fold"  and it looks like 
> tonight I 
> am folding my tent and hoping for better days ahead on TB.  I just 
> finally got through to NG4C (first contact in 2.5 hours on the band)  
> and he spent 10 minutes repeatedly asking me for my "state"....under 
> these circumstances it is time to fold.
> Cheers,
> Herb Schoenobhm, KV4FZ

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