Topband: Don't Forget to Submit Your Stew Perry Log!

Jeff Maass jmaass at
Wed Jan 11 23:35:10 PST 2012

Even if you only made a few QSOs in the Stew Perry Topband Distance
Challenge in December, you should send in your log!

Scores of all those you worked are affected by whether you were operating at
High, Low, or QRP power levels. If you do not submit your log, QSOs with you
will be scored as if you were operating using High Power.

Deadline for submissions is January 31, but don't wait! Cabrillo logs for
all events get submitted to tbdc at  Make sure to make the
subject your callsign. All details are at 

You can see all the submitted logs and currently-calculated scores at:

73,  Jeff K8ND 

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