Topband: CQ160M Contest Plaque Update

Doug Grant dougk1dg at
Thu Jan 19 20:35:16 PST 2012

Greetings Topbanders!

The plaques for the 2011 CQ160M contest have now been produced and
shipped. USA winners should have their plaques in the next few days (I
know a few have actually been received already).

As some people have noted, a few plaques were inadvertently omitted
from the published results and a few errors crept in.


Single Operator Russia sponsored by Dmitri Gorshkov, UA2FB.  Winner:
Vadim Ovsyannikov, R9DX

Single Operator Assisted Zone 3 by Larry Pace, N7DD.  Winner: Preston
Smith, N6SS

Single Operator QRP Zone 4 by Dale Putnam, WC7S.  Winner: Charles Hansen, N0TT


Single Operator Russia by Dmitri Gorshkov, UA2FB.  Winner: Vladimir G.
Falshunov, UA9KAA

SSB/CW Combined

World Multioperator by Top Band DX Club.   Winner: Station P33W
(operators: RA3AUU, 5B4AIE, RW4WR)

In addition, the CW Single Operator CANADA trophy winner should have
been listed as: VY2ZM, operated by Mladen Bogdanov, YT6W.

The CW Asia winner should have been listed as 4L0A, operated by Zhoda
Daniil, UT5EO.

The name of the SSB USA Multioperator category winner (K1LZ) was
incorrect. The correct name of the station owner is Krassimir Petkov.

All the plaques listed above were produced with the correct
information and shipped.

- - - - -

For 2012, two new plaques have been added...both for Top
Single-operator in the Southern Hemisphere: CW sponsored by W7RH, and
SSB sponsored by K7NJ/4X4NJ.
- - - - -

Several plaque donors have chosen to relinquish their sponsorships. We
thank them for their past support of the CQ160M contest, and now have
openings for sponsors for the following plaques:

CW Multi-operator Europe

SSB Single-op USA
SSB Single-op Low Power USA
SSB Multi-operator Europe
SSB Multi-operator USA Zone 3

Please contact me directly if you are interested in sponsoring one of
these plaques.

And good luck to all in the CQ160M CW Contest next weekend!


Doug K1DG
CQ160M Contest Plaque Manager

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