Topband: Intentional interference

Trey McFerrin mrtman777 at
Sun Jan 22 15:06:10 PST 2012

While stations deliberately calling over the DX or the station he is working in 
a non-split pileup can really wreak havoc (making so much noise that even the 
offenders can't work the DX), I actually find this behavior slightly amusing 
when part of a split pileup.  The lids are calling while the DX or the station 
he is working is transmitting.  In that case, they aren't QRMing the DX (not on 
his frequency, split) or the station the DX is trying to work (the pileup is 
spread out enough that the stations can be separated); they are simply QRMing 
themselves.  As the yahoos call out of turn, I am casing the pileup and 
determining the listening frequency and timing patterns of the DX station.  I 
then take my mighty 100 watts and work the DX station with a minimum of 
trasmitting, often on first or second call.  Nothing quite as effective as a 
little bit of listening.  

I must admit that I've see the above scenario much more frequently on the higher 
bands.  Most 160M operators are indeed gentlemen.  And the ones that aren't 
don't make as many contacts, now do they?  


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