Topband: Take a look at THIS!

Missouri Guy n0tt1 at
Mon Jul 2 11:34:11 PDT 2012

Hi Gents,

It's a bit of a slow season, so take a peek at this:

I have a Wildcam set up near one of my 9-circle RX elements.  It
snapped this photo on this New Year's day, about 2AM CST.  I don't
know WHAT it is that seems to surround the wood post.  I 
can only have fun speculating.  I do not want any long threads on
this post.  Just take a look and then you decide 
for yourself what it is or might be!!!  Heh...heh...have fun!!  :D)

Charlie, N0TT

PS:  If the photo isn't large enough on your browser/screen you
may be able to adjust the size by holding down the CTRL key
and press the '+' or '-' key to adjust the size.

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