Topband: UFOs

Shoppa, Tim tshoppa at
Tue Jul 3 13:49:24 PDT 2012

I think my point was, we haven't always been so sophisticated either. Wes Hayward's article on toroids in Jan 1968 QST discusses the Indiana General sales policy to hams, then says "The remainder of this discussion will show the experimenter how he can fabricate his own toroid cores from familiar components that can be found in most junk boxes.". Then discusses how to start with ferrite loopsticks, a saw, and a drill, and make your own toroids, or how to use tuning slugs or cup cores from IF transformers or TV convergence assemblies as toroids.

Now me, in my lab, if it is anything other than 43 mix, I try to write the part number/mix on it with a Sharpie when I get the package from Amidon or other supplier. Some suppliers use plastic stickers on the bag to identify what's inside... but if I wait too long in summer weather, the sticker falls off! So no shortage of UFO's here :-)

Tim N3QE

-----Original Message-----
From: ZR [mailto:zr at] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:35 PM
To: Shoppa, Tim; topband at
Subject: Re: Topband: UFOs

What do you mean 3rd world?  That describes the majority of the USA, present company excepted, but here they throw in a TV or monitor flyback!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Shoppa, Tim" <tshoppa at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: UFOs

> There are parts of the third world where ham homebrewing is based around 
> three standard toroids: "the one from a TV 75/300 balun", "the yellow one 
> from a PC power supply", and "the green one from a PC power supply".
> And here we b&m that we don't have u' and u'' curves.
> Tim N3QE
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