Topband: DSL knocks out when on TopBand

Herb Schoenbohm herbs at
Mon Jul 16 17:57:55 PDT 2012

Fortunately I have a Wi-Max service that is immune from RFI but I 
frequently use a DSL service for remote control with guest ops during 
contests.  The DSL is more reliable in so much is I get 1.5 Mbps up and 
down all the time and every time.  (The Wi-Max at times gives me CW 
hick-ups and although it works with Icom's RS-BA1 remote this does not 
compare with reliability and flawless remote paddle CW using Remote Rig 
and a Kenwood TS-2000.  Remote ops prefer being able to have a real rig 
head in front of them and use a local paddle as well.)

My problem is that when I  try to operate on 160 the DSL crashes. I have 
tried many Type 31 3 inch ferrite rings with 20 turns on both the phone 
line and the Cat 5 cable from the Zhone modem but even at 200 watts the 
DSL looses sync.  I even have disconnected all phones and faxes but to 
no avail.  I'm sure this problem has been around this site for some time 
but I would like any information on what i should try.  My telephone 
line enters the shack about 70 feet from a cage fed 85 foot tower and 
the nearby 80 meter 1/4 wave vertical does not cause problems, only the 
160 meter antenna, and with relatively low power.
I don't hear any audible IX on the telephone while transmitting which 
leads me to believe my problem is not a simple one to solve. Any 
suggestions on what to try  like using CAt 5 cable to the pole instead 
of normal drop wire, RF Chokes, K-Y or K-Com filters, what works best 
with a DSL with 160 meter IX problems.  Please let me know.


Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

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