Topband: C Rural WIre

wa3mej at wa3mej at
Sun Jul 22 10:01:43 PDT 2012


 C Rural wire is available from your local telephone company.  I usually get the stuff that is wrecked out and of not more use. It is #14 copper clad steel and it has a pretty heavy copper.  Several years ago I found a 1000 ft roll that had litterally fallen off a telephone truck ( some poor employee probably got what for when he got on the job and it was not there). I picked it up and gave it a good home planning to use on some future antenna. I can promise you it will take a large tree to break this wire and if you do it correctly.. like using small cable ties to attach to the insulators it will break the cable ties first saving both insulator and wire.  This has happened twice since I replaced my window line beverage with the C wire. 

Usually after this wire is removed they throw it away... AND if your nice to the telephone guys they may give you some of the crimp splices that they use when it is broken.  I use them but solder them afterward for electrical continuity.. then tape it.. but you wont have to do that probably unless you want a very long run. 


By the way .... TREE is this list moderated?  It seems like it takes a long time for my posts to appear or maybe it is my settings or something 

>I know people who use that stuff, but where do you get C wire? 

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