Topband: Lyme Desease

Mike Waters mikewate at
Mon Jul 23 18:59:20 PDT 2012

This off-topic discussion about ticks (I've never worked T1CK on 160m ;-)
is certainly an eye-opener. Since I've moved to Missouri, I've certainly
had my share of tick bites, many of them from being out in the 'antenna

Around July 2008, something happened to me that my doctor never could
explain. Basically, my energy level took a huge nosedive. For a couple of
months, all I could do is lay on the couch feeling dizzy.
I thought it was either mono (an employee had it shortly before I got sick
and was off work for two months) or Lyme disease. I still have not got my
strength and mental/physical energy back 100%, but I am a lot better now
than I was then.

After all this discussion about tick-borne diseases here, I will certainly
do things differently the next time I walk back into the weeds (where my
antennas are) again.

BTW, Herb, we had a few laying hens and got some guinea hens (because we
heard they kept the tick population down) the last place we lived in
Missouri. Forget it. Guineas always nest out in the weeds instead of in the
henhouse, and so predators eventually kill them at night every time. They
were a complete waste of time and energy. We just spread tick granules on
the lawn, and that insecticide helps keep them down.

73, Mike

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 8:28 PM, Herb Schoenbohm <herbs at> wrote:

> There are several natural predators of ticks and having chickens and
> guinea hens in the yard will do wonders,

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