Topband: FCP model

Guy Olinger K2AV olinger at
Tue Jul 31 19:01:15 PDT 2012

For some folks a circle with an 80' radius completely contains their
property.  We have cases in point.  The FCP is a 66 foot straight line
that will fit on one edge of the property.  That is a common FCP
deployment, particularly the back yard fence.  73, Guy.

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 8:07 PM, Herb Schoenbohm <herbs at> wrote:
> I would think if the KISS rules apply that a good approach would be
> 30-50 insulated ROG wires of 60-80 feet in length (radials on ground)
> and the grass will cover them in a few weeks, due to the VF of such
> radials a 1/4 wave is not required, that an efficient ground system can
> be obtained without the trouble of the FCP design complexity.  A Marconi
> is always a Marconi and as Tom, W8JI  instructs us, there is no magic
> bullet to save us from ground losses unless they are mitigated by
> aggressively  reducing the RF absorption in a poor ground, which is more
> than likely the case for most of us.
> In the early days of this hobby I used to SWL on 160 with my HQ-129 RX
> and the best antenna I ever had was to hook up to the finger stop on my
> rotary telephone.  It worked but as soon as articles were published
> about Beverages and loops I learned that there was something much
> better.  Before that I really thought I had found something.  Nobody
> today even mentions this trick or as Mr. Albert once stated, "It's all
> relative", and so it is.
> Regards,
> Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
> On 7/31/2012 7:13 PM, W0UCE wrote:
>> One aspect of the K2AV FCP is KISS.  However, experimenting with change of
>> components and proven architecture should anyone opt to do so will produce
>> unfavorable results.
>> So... KISS and construct an FCP in the way it has been proven unless
>> experimentation is the objective in which case the results will be diverse
>> and directly related to variations one may choose to make.
>> The FCP as designed with recommend components and it works and works well,
>> which is the ultimate in deploying the KISS principal.
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