Topband: Fw: ZD7XF wrong band on Clublog

N3XX n3xx at
Tue Mar 13 16:31:40 PDT 2012

I just realized that the 80 meter qso I saw  in Clublog probably is one made 
during Nigel's last trip to ZD7.  So, am now thinking that there probably 
was no logging error.  It's more likely that I just didn't make it into the 
log on 160.  I have emailed Nigel and asked if he can check the log, but 
expect that ZD7 will be remaining on my 160 needed list.

Tim - N3XX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "N3XX" <n3xx at>
To: <topband at>
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 2:12 PM
Subject: Topband: ZD7XF wrong band on Clublog

> Has anyone else had their 160 mtr contact show up as 80 mtrs on Clublog?
> Mine was on 160/CW, 8 Mar 2012, 0014Z.  Clublog has an 80 mtr contact that 
> I
> didn't make.
> I had two contacts, 12 and 160 meters, but only the 12 mtr contact has 
> been
> qsld on lotw.
> Tnx & 73,
> Tim - N3XX
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